Regula Tobler

Partner, Audit

KPMG Switzerland

As a KPMG Partner, it is important to Regula to be a trusted and knowledgeable contact for her clients, to make the company aware of how the outside world views it and to address clients' immediate concerns in an open and honest way.

Regula has been with KPMG since 2002 and has extensive experience with quoted and international companies across a broad range of industries, including medtech, consumer goods, telecommunication and manufacturing. Her primary focus is the audit of multinational companies in accordance with IFRS and US GAAP. In her role as lead auditor of corporate Groups, Regula feels at ease when operating in a complex environment, delivering successful audits and providing transparent and relevant information to her clients.

Having worked on many different projects, Regula has a broadly-based understanding across a range of areas including corporate restructuring, capital market transactions, business start-ups and mergers as well as internal processes, controls and shared service centers.

Regula spent several years as a member of KPMG’s IFRS specialist team where she provided technical accounting advice to KPMG‘s clients, supporting companies planning to issue shares or bonds but faced with requests for clarification from stock exchange supervisory authorities, and has also lead complex IFRS projects, including GAAP conversions and the introduction of new standards. She has in-depth experience in assisting clients on the application of IFRS and extensive technical knowhow about accounting and reporting processes.

  • Education and Qualifications
    Lic. oec. HSG, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
  • Accreditations
    Accredited IFRS Specialist, Accredited US GAAP Specialist, Swiss Certified Accountant