As a company, you’re required to pay tax on your income and comply with tax and reporting regulations at a domestic and international level. In an environment of increased transparency and scrutiny, shifting priorities and new standards, it’s however not enough just to pay your tax bills.
We believe tax accounting is an important enabler of governance, transparency and trust. Focusing on tax accounting not only ensures adherence to financial and non-financial reporting standards but also helps you optimize your financial performance, supports your overall business strategy and helps you meet investor and stakeholder expectations.
Our tax accounting specialists are experts in domestic and international tax law as well as tax aspects of financial and non-financial reporting and accounting standards. They also closely follow BEPS Pillar 2 developments and are ready to guide you skillfully through the new tax rules emerging from this Global Minimum Taxation (Pillar Two) and future OECD initiatives. We also help you manage the impact of the sustainability debate on tax, particularly when addressing ESG reporting requirements.
Tax accounting provides you with important financial information that can inform your decision-making and support good governance. By analyzing your tax positions, you can assess both the cash tax impact as well as the impact on your effective tax rate of different business decisions, such as mergers and acquisitions, divestments and reorganization projects within your company.