
Simon Albrighton

Partner, Head of Sectors Consulting

KPMG in the UK

I am passionate about helping individuals and businesses to be the best that they can be.

KPMG Advisory can help you with your businesses:



Cost and efficiency


Protection and compliance

People and culture


Typical projects are:

Supporting an M&A transaction

Improving performance

Solving a technology problem or transformation

Compliance with regulations and managing risk

Solving an on-going problem together


Joined KPMG in 1997

Audit: 7 years, based in the Midlands, UK

Norway: 2 years, IFRS consultant, based in Oslo

London: 2 years, KPMG internal 'technical accounting dept'

Birmingham: 4 years, Accounting Advisory

Partner in 2012 in Forensic

2015: Leadership roles for Consulting and Forensic, including Head of Forensic UK

2020: Head of Consulting Regions

2022: Head of Consulting, Sectors UK

2024: Head of Advisory, Corporates

I have experience in both private and public sector, in most areas and many sectors

  1. Areas of expertise

    Advisory Consulting

    Cyber security

    Financial Services

    Forensic Fraud Leadership

    Fraud Insurance


    Management Consulting

    Operating Effectiveness

    People and Change

    Risk Consulting

    Technical Accounting


  2. Education & qualification

    BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science, Nottingham University, UK

  3. Accreditations

    FCA at ICAEW