three women talking

Our leadership

In line with our purpose and values, our approach to leadership is focused on transparency, fairness, accountability, and responsibility.

Our leadership

Melissa Geiger


KPMG UK and KPMG Switzerland merged on 1 October 2024. Melissa Geiger, as Group Board Chair, oversees the stewardship, accountability and leadership of our Firm. Melissa is responsible for ensuring the Group Board fulfils its responsibilities to set the tone from the top, including approval and oversight of Group strategy and holding senior leadership to account. 

Jon Holt


Jon Holt, Group Chief Executive and UK Senior Partner, is responsible for leading the whole business of the multi-disciplinary firm and is accountable for the executive leadership’s execution of the Board’s approved strategy. The Chief Executive is accountable to the Board and the partners in fulfilling these responsibilities.

Bina Mehta


Bina Mehta is UK Board Chair and a member of the Group Board.  Bina oversees the stewardship, accountability and leadership of the UK firm, and leads the UK Board to fulfil its responsibilities, including ensuring that the strategy is consistent with the public interest, overseeing the financial performance, culture and risk management, and holding senior leadership to account.

Our governance structure

KPMG UK governance

Independent oversight

The important role of independent oversight

Our Independent Non-Executives (INEs) and Audit Non-Executives (ANEs) remain in a position of independence from the leadership decision-making of the firm and outside its chain of command. As such, they do not carry votes on the Board or its other Committees. Notwithstanding this, the INEs and ANEs have access and opportunity to question and challenge KPMG in the UK at both the Board and Board Committee meetings. They are also able to comment on the activities of KPMG in the UK to external stakeholders, including our regulators, in an objective and dispassionate way in furtherance of their public interest and audit oversight roles.

The Chair, upon approval by the Board, appoints the INEs and ANEs. They are chosen to provide specific insights considered to be relevant to the activities of the Public Interest Committee (PIC) and/or the Audit Board and the development of the firm, including expertise in financial and corporate matters, governance, culture, and investor needs. Their appointments are for a fixed term of either two or three years. This may be renewed up to a maximum of three terms, or nine years.

KPMG has five Independent Non-Executives. Three are INE’s and two are ANE’s; one of the Independent Non-Executives is both an INE and ANE. 

The Public Interest Committee comprises the three INEs, Jonathan Evans (Chair), Anne Bulford and Kathleen O’Donovan. The Audit Board comprises the two ANEs, Claire Ighodaro (Chair), Melanie Hind and the one INE and ANE, Kathleen O’Donovan as well as Jonathan Downer (Elected Member) and Robin Walduck.

Hear Jonathan and Claire’s reflections on 2023.


Statement by the Independent and Audit Non-Executives

This statement explains the roles and responsibilities of Independent Non-Executives and their: oversight of audit quality; people, ethics and culture; regulation, risk management and internal controls

Independence of INEs and ANEs

KPMG has considered the Audit Firm Governance Code and the FRC’s Ethical Standard in drawing up criteria for appointment of the members of the PIC and ANEs. Whilst our INEs and ANEs are not considered to be part of the chain of command for the purposes of auditor independence requirements, they are required to comply with certain criteria which have been developed to reflect the need for INEs and ANEs to maintain appropriate independence from the firm and its partners and to be free from actual or perceived conflicts of interest. These criteria include considering the impact of any financial, business, employment, or family relationships they have with the firm’s audited entities or KPMG itself: 

  • None of the INEs or ANEs are permitted to hold a director or key management position role at any entity where KPMG UK (or any KPMG network firm) is the statutory auditor.   
  • They are not permitted to be the beneficial owner of a financial interest in an entity where KPMG is the auditor if they have significant influence over that entity. 
  • They are required to notify the firm if (i) a member of their immediate or close family is a director, holds a key management position, or is in a financial reporting oversight role at an entity where KPMG is the auditor, (ii) if they intend to enter into any business relationship (including providing services) with an entity where KPMG is the auditor, or (iii) if they hold any financial interests in any entity that is material to them. This notification is required to enable the firm to consider if any of these relationships could give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest that requires safeguarding.  
  • With respect to relationships with KPMG itself, if an immediate or close family member of an INE or ANE became a partner (or equivalent) of KPMG UK, they would no longer be eligible to hold their role.  
  • The INEs and ANEs are also required to notify KPMG if an immediate or close family member becomes an employee of the firm. Again, this is to enable the firm to consider the scope for conflicts with their role.

All INEs and ANEs are checked prior to their appointment to ensure they meet these criteria. As a condition of their appointment, they are under a continuing obligation to disclose to KPMG any matters which may constitute a change to their roles or relationships as soon as they become aware of them. They are also required to make an annual declaration of their compliance with the independence criteria.


To support the INEs and ANEs in discharging their role, the firm provides them with:

  • An Executive Lead to help them navigate the business and discharge their duties under the Code.  
  • EA support.
  • Any information they require about the firm’s business to discharge their duties.
  • Access to independent professional advice at the firm’s expense where judged necessary to discharge their duties.


The annual remuneration of each Non-Executive is £110,000, plus an annual fee of £10,000 per Board Committee they attend as a designated Non-Executive. The Chair of the PIC and the Chair of the Audit Board receive an additional amount of £40,000 in respect of chairing duties. The Chair of the PIC also receives an annual fee of £125,000, in relation to being a non-voting member of the Group board and Group Board Committees.

Communication with partners as members of KPMG LLP

The Chief Executive, together with members of the Executive Committee, have primary responsibility for communication with partners in the UK.

The Chief Executive leads regular calls with the firm's partners. The Chief Operating and Financial Officer provides an update to partners on the firm’s performance. In addition, wider Executive Committee members and Partners are invited to present on key topics. The calls provide the opportunity for two-way feedback between partners and Executive Committee leadership.

The Chair writes formally twice a year to partners to update them on the focus of the Board and its Committees.

All Partners are invited to an extended partner call to discuss a range of topics including the firm’s results and business planning. Every other year this becomes an in-person Partner conference. There is also a dedicated Partner intranet containing partner-specific resources and communications.

Where there is an immediate need to communicate matters, an all-Partner email is used or, exceptionally, all-Partner calls are convened.

Further information

Read our latest transparency report

Our annual Transparency Report shares further information on our UK structure and governance, including on our governance KPIs, annual meeting attendance, network arrangements, and legal structure.