Hilary Eastman

Hilary Eastman

Partner, ESG Reporting

KPMG in the UK

Hilary works with FTSE companies on the implementation of voluntary and mandatory sustainability reporting. She has over 20 years’ experience in corporate reporting (including in a standard setting capacity), investor engagement and business valuation, across sectors.

Her deep understanding of investor information needs combined with her knowledge of developing accounting standards and performing valuations helps her bring a holistic and pragmatic perspective to reporting.

Hilary has a particularly keen interest in the future direction of corporate reporting, including the connectivity between sustainability and financial reporting and the potential for technology to influence how corporate information is generated and consumed.

  1. Areas of expertise

    ESG, Corporate and Financial reporting





  2. Education & qualification

    BSc and MSc Finance: San Diego State University (USA)

    Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

  3. Accreditations

    Chartered Financial Analyst