Are you interested in our services or want to learn more about KPMG as a workplace? Here you will find our contact persons.
Head office
KPMG Visiting address: Vasagatan 16
Postal address: Box 382 101 27 STOCKHOLM
Phone: +46 8 723 91 00
Our offices in Sweden
We are close to you! Our 30 offices are spread across the country. Find your nearest office here.
To send an email to someone at KPMG, use
Contacts for business areas
Board members
Invoice details
EDI / electronic invoice:
GLN number: 7300009032068
Supplier: InExchange
Digital invoices should be sent to the following email:
Processing of personal data
If you have questions about our processing of personal data, you can refer to "On the Processing of Personal Data in KPMG AB's Operations." You can also contact us at:
International hotline
The KPMG International hotline is a vehicle for KPMG partners, employees, clients and other parties to confidentially report concerns they have relating to certain areas of activity by KPMG International itself, its employees or the senior leadership of a KPMG member firm. Further information is given below on when and how to use the Hotline, and on how your report will be dealt with.