Should you account for VAT on the income you receive and, if so, at what rate? Have you recovered alI of the VAT you are entitled to, and have you properly blocked the VAT you are not allowed to recover? Do you know how indirect taxes affect your revenue and profits? To minimise risk and maximise value from indirect taxes, these are just some of the questions that you need to think through.
Understanding and managing how indirect taxes impact your activities and operations, be it domestically or globally, has never been more important. In a digital age, governments are increasingly using technology to improve compliance and focusing on indirect taxes as a source of revenue. As you navigate this complex puzzle of continually changing rules and regulations, you need to stay informed and proactively manage your indirect tax to minimise risk and maximise value.
We have a team of subject matter experts with extensive knowledge from across industry and market lines that provide commercially minded support and advice on all indirect taxes. With a global network of indirect tax professionals located in more than 100 countries we have the capability to deliver value, no matter who you are, what you do, or where you operate.