Embracing industry 4.0 for efficient, productive and sustainable growth

Adopting sustainable business practices boosts brand reputation, saves costs and establishes organisations as responsible corporate citizens
The industrial metamorphosis: Embracing industry 4.0 for efficient, productive and sustainable growth

The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is transforming the way we live and work. Organisations need to adapt to stay competitive with the adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) which  are  rapidly disrupting/metamorphosing the business landscape.  Successful navigation of this industrial metamorphosis hinges on developing  a clearly defined driven business intent underpinned by an ROI  construct that aligns with business objectives. By investing in cutting-edge, fit for purpose Industry 4.0 driven technologies and fostering a culture of continuous learning, organisations can unlock value through pushing the frontier of efficiency, productivity, and sustainable growth in a positive direction.

To embrace Industry 4.0, organisations need to have a clear understanding of the technologies involved and fitment of those with their operations. This requires a comprehensive review of the business strategy, operations, and IT/OT infrastructure to identify opportunities which drive efficiency, productivity, and growth. By investing in the right technologies, their configurations and data management strategies, organisations can automate enterprise and manufacturing processes, break  functional silos , reduce costs and improve quality, which will enable them to compete effectively in a rapidly changing market.

One crucial aspect of Industry 4.0 adoption is the need for organisations to foster a culture of continuous learning. With new technologies emerging rapidly, organisations need to ensure that their employees have the skills and knowledge required to operate and maintain Industry 4.0 systems effectively. This requires a commitment to ongoing training, upskilling, and reskilling of workers to ensure that they can adapt to changes in the business landscape.

Industry 4.0 also provides opportunities for organisations to embrace sustainability, driving productivity gains while promoting environmentally friendly practices. By using data analytics to optimise resource consumption, organisations can reduce their carbon footprint while improving efficiency and productivity. Sustainably driven business practices will not only position organisations as responsible corporate citizens but also provide cost savings and enhance brand reputation.

To thrive in the era of Industry 4.0, organisations must integrate their operations with digital technology and a data strategy to support. This involves the deployment of advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to leverage big data and drive insights in real time or near real time. In addition, smart automation systems that use robotics and IIoT sensors can enhance decision-making, speed up processes, and increase productivity. Deploying these technologies in a targeted manner that aligns with specific business objectives will enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a competitive advantage.

While the potential benefits of Industry 4.0 are clear, there are also challenges that must be addressed. One of the biggest challenges is cybersecurity, with the increasing integration of operational technology (OT) and IT systems posing significant risks. Organisations must have robust cybersecurity strategies in place to protect against cyber-attacks, which can pose a significant threat to business operations, safety, and reputation.

Industry 4.0 represents a seismic shift in the way we organise and operate our businesses. By investing in advanced technologies, fostering a culture of continuous learning, embracing sustainability, and addressing cybersecurity issues, organisations can unlock the potential of Industry 4.0 to drive efficiency, productivity, growth and enhance their competitive position. The successful navigation of the fourth industrial revolution is critical to ensure that organisations remain relevant, and that they can thrive in the fast-evolving digital landscape.

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Saurabh Bhatnagar

Partner, Industrial Automation, Intelligence and Digitalisation

KPMG in India

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