TQM Deming Prize

Collaborating and customising with organisations, our TQM service drives them to achieve the Deming Prize and excel in their performance
TQM Deming Prize

Deming Prize

It was set up in 1951 by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) to recognise and encourage companies that do an outstanding work in the field of quality management. The Deming Prize is a prestigious award given to organisations that have demonstrated excellence in quality management. It is named after W. Edwards Deming, a pioneer of TQM, and is awarded by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers. The prize is based on Deming's 14 Points of management and is awarded to organisations that have shown outstanding results in areas such as customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and continuous improvement, customer, leadership, and a systematic approach to quality management. The Deming Prize has become a symbol of excellence in quality management and is recognised globally as a mark of quality and reliability.

Source: Deming Prize Website

Why Deming Prize?

Deming Prize is an ultimate recognition as a leader among the best-in-class who competes with their benchmark practices in TQM. Companies compete for the Deming Prize by adopting TQM principles and concepts to meet their needs for significant performance improvement in a competitive environment. It serves as a standard for organisations to improve the overall culture by emphasizing on quality, customer satisfaction and employee involvement.

Deming Prize Framework

The organisations that use TQM to achieve the following three criteria are awarded the Deming Prize.

A. The company has built proactive customer-oriented business objectives and plans based on social responsibility of the organisation under clear management policies that reflect its management philosophy, industry, scale, and environment. And in their formulation, the senior management demonstrates leadership.
B. The company goals and strategies listed under A) above are being realised with the appropriate use of TQM.
C. As a result of B), the organisational capability necessary for future growth has been secured in addition to the achievement of the business objectives and strategies of A) above.

Establishment of business objectives and strategies and top management leadership (100 points)

Establishment of proactive customer driven business objectives and strategies

Role of top management and exhibition

Suitable utilization and implementation of TQM (100 points)

Suitable utilization and implementation of TQM for the realization of business objectives and strategies.

1. Organizational deployment of business objectives and strategies (15 points)

2. Creation of new values based on understanding of customer and social needs and innovation of technology and business model (15 Points)

3. Management and improvement of quality of products and services and/or work process (15 points)

4. Establishment and operations of management systems for various purposes such as quality and quantity, delivery cost, safety, environment, etc. across the supply chain (15 points)

5. Collection and analysis of information and accumulation and utilization of knowledge (15 points)

6. Development and active utilization of human resources and organizational capability (15 points)

7. Initiatives for social responsibility of the organization (15 points)

Effects of TQM (100 points)

  • Effects obtained regarding business objectives and strategies through utilization and implementation of TQM.
  • Outstanding TQM activities of organizational capabilities

Deming Prize typical roadmap

The duration required for implementing a TQM program depends on several factors such as the company's size, workforce age, business complexity, organizational culture, and current status. Typically, companies have needed four to six years to complete the process. KPMG in India with its experience and competencies available in-house will be able to efficiently plan and deploy practices that enables businesses to reach the competing levels.

Suitable utilization and implementation of TQM

Year 1

Initiation phase

Year 2

Execution phase

Year 3

Expansion phase - Establishment of proactive customer-oriented business objectives and strategies

Year 4

Assess the effect – Effects of TQM

Year 5

TQM recognition

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