KPMG Transfer Pricing Document Maintenance Tool - Case

Automated collation of back-up documentation for intra-group services
KPMG Transfer Pricing Document Maintenance Tool - Case Study

Challenges of tax/finance function

  1. Intra-group service fee disallowed - no back-up documentation for need benefit test
  2. Multiple years of litigation
  1. Documents (e.g., emails evidencing underlying services) to be collated from multiple employees

How was our technology enabled service implemented?

Blue vivid image of globe. Globalization concept; Shutterstock ID 149275463
  1. KPMG Transfer Pricing Document Maintenance Tool, a web-based application automating collation of emails (back-up documentation for intra-group services) was deployed in company’s IT environment
Using our technology solution
  1. Data was collated for six years from MBOX, PST and Lotus Notes files
  2. Large data set was reviewed in limited time frame
  3. Readily available dashboards facilitated documentation submission


  1. Automated collation of back up documentation (six years) - saved tax function’s time
  1. Company was able to submit back up documentation to tax authorities - resulted in deletion of transfer pricing adjustment and mitigated penalty implications

Key Contacts

Sunil Badala

Partner, Head of Tax

KPMG in India

Ajay Mehra

Non-Executive Chairman

KPMG in India

Rahul Kashikar

Partner, Head - Tax Technology and Transformation I Partner - Corporate International Tax

KPMG in India

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